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Namaam-Iisham-Iishaana Nirvaanna-Ruupam
Vibhum Vyaapakam Brahma-Veda-Svaruupam |
Nijam Nirgunnam Nirvikalpam Niriiham
Cidaakaasham-Aakaasha-Vaasam Bhaje-Aham ||1||

Niraakaaram-Ongkara-Muulam Turiiyam
Giraa-Jnyaana-Go-Atiitam-Iisham Giriisham |
Karaalam Mahaakaala-Kaalam Krpaalam
Gunna-Aagaara-Samsaara-Paaram Nato-Aham ||2||

Tussaara-Adri-Samkaasha-Gauram Gabhiram
Mano-Bhuuta-Kotti-Prabhaa-Shrii Shariiram |
Sphuran-Mauli-Kallolinii Caaru-Ganggaa
Lasad-Bhaala-Baalea-Indu Kanntthe Bhujanggaa ||3||

Calat-Kunnddalam Bhruu-Sunetram Vishaalam
Prasanna-Aananam Niila-Kannttham Dayaalam |
Mrga-Adhiisha-Carma-Ambaram Munndda-Maalam
Priyam Shangkaram Sarva-Naatham Bhajaami ||4||

Pracannddam Prakrssttam Pragalbham Parea-Iisham
Akhannddam Ajam Bhaanu-Kotti-Prakaasham |
Tryah-Shuula-Nirmuulanam Shuula-Paannim
Bhajea-Aham Bhavaanii-Patim Bhaava-Gamyam ||5||

Kalaatiita-Kalyaanna Kalpa-Anta-Kaarii
Sadaa Sajjana-Aananda-Daataa Pura-Arii |
Cid-Aananda-Samdoha Moha-Apahaarii Prasiida Prasiida Prabho Manmatha-Arii ||6||

Na Yaavad Umaa-Naatha-Paada-Aravindam
Bhajanti-Iha Loke Pare Vaa Naraannaam |
Na Taavat-Sukham Shaanti Santaapa-Naasham
Prasiida Prabho Sarva-Bhuuta-Adhi-Vaasam ||7||

Na Jaanaami Yogam Japam Naiva Puujaam
Natoham Sadaa Sarvadaa Shambhu-Tubhyam |
Jaraa-Janma-Duhkhau-Agha Taatapyamaanam
Prabho Paahi Aapanna-Maam-Iisha Shambho ||8||

Rudraassttaka-Idam Proktam Viprenna Hara-Tossaye
Ye Patthanti Naraa Bhaktyaa Tessaam Shambhuh Prasiidati ||9||

Iti Shri-Gosvaami-Tulasiidaasa-Krtam Shriirudraassttakam Sampuurnnam |

I bow to Lord Shiva, the form of Nirvana
The almighty, pervasive form of the Brahma Veda.
The transcendental, transcendental, selfless
I worship the sky of consciousness, the abode of the sky.

The formless Omkara root and is the fourth state
The Lord of the mountains, who is transcended by the knowledge of the words.
The terrible, the great time, the time, the merciful
I bow to the transcendental world of virtues.

It was white and deep like a snow mountain
The body is the radiance of millions of minds and beings.
Sphuranmaulikallolini charuganga
A serpent with a shining beard and a moon around her neck.

He had moving earrings and large eyes with brows
He had a cheerful face, a blue throat and a kind heart.
He was dressed in the skin of a deer and wore a headdress
I worship my dear Lord Śiva, the Lord of all.

The tremendous, the outstanding, the proud, the Lord of the gods
The unbroken, unborn, radiant like millions of suns.
The three-speared eradicator, the spear-bearer
I worship the Lord of the goddess Bhavani who is attainable by devotion.

Artless welfare is the end of the age
Purari, always the giver of joy to the righteous.
Chidanandasandoha mohapahari
Have mercy on me, O Lord, have mercy on me, O Manmathari.

Not until the lotus feet of Uma Nath
They worship men in this world or in the next.
Not so much happiness as peace and the relief of sorrow
Have mercy, O Lord, the abode of all beings.

I do not know yoga, chanting or worship
I always bow down to You, Lord Śambhu.
Tormented by the flood of old age and birth
Lord, protect me in distress, O Lord Shambho.

This Rudrashtakam is recited by a brahmin to satisfy Lord Hari
Lord Śambhu is pleased with those who recite it with devotion.

This is the complete Śrī Rudraṣṭakam composed by Śrī Gosvāmi Tulasīdāsa.